Lilies are beautiful flowers that come in many different varieties. When you think of a lily, the fragrant flower with pollen probably comes to mind. But did you know that this is just one specific group within the lilies? There […]
There is an increasing realization that we have to be sustainable in order to make it as pleasant as possible for everyone in the world. The growers of your flowers and plants are also very conscious of this. How do […]
Flowers, bees and tips to prevent or remove pollen stains You must have learned it at school, what pollen is and what it does. But if you don’t remember exactly, we’ll refresh your memory here. And what better way to […]
When your potted lily comes into bloom, not all the buds will bloom at the same time. This naturally extends the flowering time of your lily, but you will have to maintain the lily during flowering. Not only by ensuring […]
Now that the wheater is nice and we are more often outside in the garden, it’s nice if the garden looks beautiful. Of course that’s possible with a nice container of potted lilies, which then quickly give color. But did […]
This year LiliumPlants is represented again at Keukenhof with a continuous presentation. You can visit the presentation in the Willem-Alexander pavilion.